Daily Dharshan 23-12-2020


Swami Premananda Jeyanthy
பகவான் ஸ்ரீ ராமகிருஷ்ணரின் 16 நேரடிச் சீடர்களில், ஈஸ்வர கோடியாக அறியப்பட்ட சுவாமி பிரேமானந்தா ஜி மகராஜ் அவர்களின் ஜனன தினம் இன்று
அவர்கள் ராதையின் தூய ஸ்வரூபம் என்று பகவான் ஸ்ரீராமகிருஷ்ணரால்
அவர் ஸ்ரீராமகிருஷ்ணர் பக்தர்களின் உச்சகட்ட பக்தியின் இலக்கணமாக திகழ்ந்து இன்றும் வழிகாட்டிக் கொண்டிருக்கிறார்.


Jai Ramakrishna

In this Incarnation the keynote of Sri Ramakrishna’s life is the complete absence of the expressions of supernatural powers or lordly qualities.
Then again all the other incarnations ‘illumined the world with the lustre of their beauty’; but this time the physical beauty is conspicuous by its absence. 
Girish asked, ‘Why, sir, there’s no beauty this time?” When the Master was engaged in spiritual practices, a unique lustre, would emanate from his body, at which he implored the Divine Mother, 
‘What need have I of physical beauty, Mother? Give me spiritual beauty.’ 
Sri Krishna, was the milker of all the Upanishads. But our Master? It is a wonderful affair—he could read and write somehow, that’s all. But in philosophical discussions with him Pundits were confounded. How is that?
There is a world of difference between understanding through discussion and knowing through direct perception or realization.
Other Avataras or incarnations preached their philosophies and doctrines. But Ramakrishna never did it himself openly. 
One night I woke up at midnight and found him walking in the room in a semi-ecstatic state and making sounds of spitting and saying, ‘Don’t, Mother, don’t give me that hellish fame.’ It appeared to me as if the Divine Mother was following him with a big basket of fame and saying, ‘My child, I have brought name and fame for you; do take them’, and the Master getting excited was walking about in the room and making sounds of spitting more and more loudly.
He used to say, ‘Let the lotus bud open, the bees will come of themselves. Let character be formed, the world will be attracted by its beauty.’

(Today is the Tithi Puja of Revered Swami Premananda. On this sacred day may he bless us all with Bhakti.)

RKM Ceylon
RKM Ceylon